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Subject: Re: Jon followup on my question

I appreciate the suggestion and I'll keep it in mind if we need it, but in 
reality it takes an enormous amount of effort simply to *decide* on meeting 
times with 80 other people.  Now that we've got a biweekly Tuesday telecon 
slot, I'm not too sanguine about the idea of scheduling more such events!


At 10:28 AM 2/20/01 -0500, Eve L. Maler wrote:
>Apparently Jon is having technical trouble responding to my question, so he
>sent it to me and asked me to forward it:
>To: workprocess@lists.oasis-open.org
>In-reply-to: <>
>         (eve.maler@east.sun.com)
>Subject: Re: Delicate subject: changing the attendance requirements
>Reply-to: jon.bosak@eng.sun.com
>Tommie and Robin are right about this.  Article 14(j) of the OASIS
>ByLaws says:
>     The operation of TCs shall be governed by Robert's Rules of
>     Order, as such rules may be revised from time to time, insofar
>     as such rules are not inconsistent with or in conflict with
>     these Bylaws, with the Articles of Incorporation of this
>     corporation, or with provisions of law.
>So TCs can't override the provisions of the bylaws, including the
>requirements for maintaining membership in a TC.  However, I think
>that there is an easy way around the problem: just hold periodic
>membership maintenance phone conferences at times that are
>convenient for most of the members of the TC.  The standing agenda
>for these conferences can be (1) roll call, (2) brief discussion,
>(3) adjournment.  That way you comply with the good-standing rules
>of the process without imposing any real hardship on the members.
>(Anyone who can't bother to phone in for half an hour every once
>in a while shouldn't be on the TC anyway.)  You can invent real
>business to conduct during the discussion period if you want; for
>example, you could set aside 15 minutes for everyone to
>synchronize their calendars and liaison meetings, and then you
>could call the conferences "interim synchronization meetings."
>But all you really have to do is take the roll.  If you held the
>phone conferences at least twice as often as the face-to-face
>meetings, no TC member would ever have to attend a face-to-face
>meeting to maintain voting membership.

Eve Maler                                          +1 781 442 3190
Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center    eve.maler @ east.sun.com

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