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Subject: Issue WSRF16 proposed recommendation

As a proposal for a recommended resolution for issue WSRF16 I would like
to propose an property similar to TopicExpressionDialects in

The GED is:
	<xsd:element name="QueryExpressionDialect" type="xsd:anyURI"/>

The reference in a resource property schema is:
	<xsd:element ref="QueryExpressionDialect" minOccurs="1"

This property must be exposed when the QueryResourceProperties operation
is exposed, thus it should be in a property document associated with the
QueryResourceProperties  portType defined in

Each occurrence of the QueryExpressionDialect property defines another
dialect that is understood by the WS-Resource when processing the
QueryResourceProperties operation. A WS-Resource must not fault for
reason of not understanding the dialect if a dialect is returned in a
QueryExpressionDialect property.

The values of the instances of the QueryExpressionDialect properties are
the same as that used in the Dialect attribute of the QueryExpression
used in the QueryResourceProperties operation.


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