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Subject: Re: [bcm] Applying BCM

Neil / Carl,

We also have a ready made example in the eprXML work Hans
has ongoing.

I'd definately like help with all this.  We have a 'to do' to build some
sample templates from the Folders and  Tssk Cards - to show how
business managers can use either Excel or Word to manage the
rules and selections in the folders and task cards - and then export
this to XML that then actually configures Hans' eprXML system.

It would be fabulous if we could get that done as a first base - then
we could take those and extend them to these other areas - as usual
once people have one example to key off...

If you look at Hans' eprXML PPT again (Kavi) - you will see the
UI components I'm referencing - basically its the Portal idea - plus
the use of task cards in the individual users work desktop areas.

We need the heirarchy and rules that determine when a user sees
what.  We could use the CAM XML as the target for this - since
it has the <BusinessContext> section that is a great fit.

Cheers, DW.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Neil Wasserman" <nwasserman@adaptiveservices.com>
To: <carlmattocks@checkmi.com>; "'BCM OASIS'" <bcm@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 7:45 AM
Subject: RE: [bcm] Applying BCM

> I agree with this sentiment.  BCM has so far provided a general framework
> and philosophy for how to deal with interacting communities of interest.
> make this tangible to implementers and business decision makers, we need
> focus on how BCM applies to particular categories of service interactions
> among CoIs.  If we can pick one or two domains in which we as a group have
> experience and address service interactions within those domains, then we
> can develop templates, methods, and examples that would be meaningful to
> those outside our immediate network.  Candidate domains would be egov,
> insurance, telecom.
> It would also be helpful to map important interactions with other
> efforts, CAM, registry, ebXML, egov, etc.
> I would also being will to act as co-chair or otherwise support the work
> administratively, with a little help from my friends.
> Neil
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carl Mattocks [mailto:carlmattocks@checkmi.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 7:10 AM
> Subject: [bcm] Applying BCM
> To help BCM move forward I propose that the next phase of evolution be
> focused on 'Applying BCM '. Wherein, the SOA application is specified
> a Specific Type of Business Driver and a Service Oriented set of Templates
> ontology used by Specific type of Community of Interest. In particular, I
> suggest that :
> Business Driver = COMPLIANCE of information systems, as in, information
> reports demanded by Sarbanes Oxley, Patriot Act, etc .
> Service Oriented Templates / ontology = XRBRL [
> http://xml.coverpages.org/ni2002-03-05-a.html ]
> If we can reach agreement that the next phase is about delivering a
> methodology examplar which a majority of Business Service Architects can
> 'deeply' relate to  - I would be willing to act as co-chair.
> --
> Carl Mattocks CEO CHECKMi
> Operational Intelligence OEM
> -------------------------------
> e-Business Agents
> Semantically Smart Compendiums
> -------------------------------
> v/f (usa) 908 322 8715
> www.CHECKMi.com
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