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Subject: HP work on Event handling (Choice Points relate)

Just noticed this post to the ASAP TC by John Fuller.

Sometime in 2004 as we add the XML rendering to
linking and switching this could be of interest.

See attached PDF.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Fuller" <jfuller@wernervas.com>
To: "ASAP" <asap@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 8:55 AM
Subject: [asap] WSDL corrections

> the WSDL currently has notify and terminated requests and responses,
> I believe in the specification these are instead implemented as
> StateChanged requests.
> ***
> As an aside, the specification is sort of interesting in that it
> suggests events
> like terminate, pause, resume, etc be represented as explicit requests
> to change to a state
> which can be rejected:  both sides are assumed to be aware of the
> underlying state system,
> or at least it's base (the supersystem).
> I've always been used to enumerating events to run against a machine,
> where the
> behavior is specified for each state.
> In the case of this supersystem, maybe we really do want explicit
> changes in states,
> but for broader applications sometimes the same event might be
> represented as causing
> a different resulting state given a different initial state.
> Just informationally, part of wsmf HP suggests for managing
> full-fledged services


> On the other hand, OGSI explicitly represents state as a collection of
> variables
> (sort of like BPEL and classic Abstract State Machine literature).


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