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Subject: [Fwd: BCM Template & XSD for Strategic Plans?]

BCM folks:

Please peruse the 'XSD for Strategic Plans' background information below.

Please email any concerns you have about this activity so that we can
start to address them before our next meeting (Jan 24)


---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: BCM Template & XSD for Strategic Plans?
From:    Owen_Ambur@ios.doi.gov
Date:    Mon, January 10, 2005 3:33 pm
To:      carlmattocks@checkmi.com
Cc:      glushko@SIMS.Berkeley.EDU

Carl, as promised on the OASIS BCM TC telecon this afternoon, here are
some links relating to my proposal to specify an XSD for strategic plans,
e.g., those U.S. federal agencies are required to compile and maintain
under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA):

1) http://www.xml.gov/draft/AIIMProjectProposalXSDforStrategicPlans.htm --
My draft proposal to AIIM.

When Betsy Fanning of AIIM and I met with Dave McClure and his colleagues
at the Council for Excellence in Government (CEG), she expressed the view
that AIIM might be able to fast-track such a schema for establishment as
an ISO standard in as little as 18 months.  However, her board apparently
was not as enthusiastic about such prospects.  At least one suggested the
effort should be focused internally, within the U.S. federal government.
However, consistent with common sense as well as OMB Circular A-119, I
would prefer to specify a more generic and internationalized XSD.

2) http://xml.gov/draft/StrategicPlan.xsd -- The XSD Hypervision compiled
for presentation to the xmlWG.  The agenda and minutes of that meeting are
available, respectively, at http://www.xml.gov/agenda/20031015.htm &

3) http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/mgmt-gpra/ -- The Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) site for GPRA.

Note: OMB is emphasizing the Performance Assessment Rating Tool (PART).
While I don't see BCM's notion of "choice points" as being particularly
relevant within the context of strategic plans (i.e., the documents
themselves), choices obviously must be made in determining priorities
(i.e., what goals and objectives to pursue) as well as in assessing
results that are not purely quantitative in nature (as may be the case in
most instance of the application of PART).  When we met with the folks at
CEG, one of them first thought that what I am proposing may be unnecessary
in light of OMB's emphasis on PART.  However, the reality is that PART
cannot be efficiently applied *without* an XSD for strategic plans, and
before we concluded our meeting, I believe he understood the two are

4) http://www.ombwatch.org/article/articleview/486/1/90/ -- A collection
of links to agency GPRA plans maintained by OMB Watch, most, if not all of
which are in PDF format.

They are among the stakeholders who are going to have to be able to *see*
the benefits of having such plans rendered in readily referenceable XML
format before they will be able to understand the need for an XSD for such
plans.  Another stakeholder group that I've been trying to engage but who
will need to see before they can understand is The Performance Institute
(TPI):  http://www.performanceweb.org/

5) http://xml.gov/documents/completed/aiim3/IECMproposal.pdf -- The
proposal recently adopted and soon-to-be announced by AIIM to specify an
international standard for integrated enterprise content management

Mike Connor of Adobe and Paul Fontaine of the Federal Aviation
Administration drafted the proposal and probably will be leading the team
pursuing it:  http://xml.gov/documents/completed/aiim3/IECMCoP.pdf

Among the elements of metadata by which it should be possible to query and
retrieve as well as to assess and evaluate "enterprise content" are those
required to "link" it, literally, to strategic goals and objectives.

I hope this information is helpful and I look forward to working with the
BCM TC to develop a "template" for strategic plans with an XSD
representation that can be used to validate and facilitate the sharing of
"data" contained in the strategic plans of organizations (and perhaps even
individuals) worldwide.  I hope the members of the BCM TC share that
vision.  http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/membership.php?wg_abbrev=bcm
Needless to say, I will be happy to use the limited resources of the
xmlCoP to pursue specification and awareness of the necessary XSD.

In that regard, please note two potential calendar-related opportunities:

a) No commitments have yet been made on the April 20 agenda of the xmlCoP,

b) while Bob Glushko is tentatively scheduled to speak at our May 18
meeting on the topic of "document engineering," I would love to team him
up with someone(s) who can help focus his presentation on the
"engineering" of strategic plans (i.e., the elements to be specified in an
XSD for such plans).  http://xml.gov/agendas.asp  (He has expressed
interest in assigning one of his grad students to the task, with a
timeline of a year for the deliverable, but I'd like to think we might be
able to move faster than that.)

The potential of the *Strategic* Semantic Web beckons.

Owen Ambur, Co-Chair
xmlCoP  http://xml.gov/

Carl Mattocks
co-Chair OASIS (ISO/TS 15000) ebXMLRegistry Semantic Content SC
co-Chair OASIS Business Centric Methodology TC
v/f (usa) 908 322 8715
Semantically Smart Compendiums

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