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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: <informaltable> with <title>

/ Baurjan Ismagulov <ibr@ata.cs.hun.edu.tr> was heard to say:
| Well... I have informal tables with titles :) . For instance, users
| writing <book>s are required to put their resumes in standard form at
| the end of the book. I put the resume in an <article>. It contains three
| tables: personal data, education and experience (the latter two with
| titles). I don't want these to be listed in the LOT.

But why are these tables? Couldn't they just be SimpleSects? The fact
that you want a tabular presentation doesn't mean the data is tabular.
Consider, for example, a fragment of my own resume:

<pubdate>November 1993 to May 1997</pubdate>
<title>O'Reilly &amp; Associates, Inc.</title>
<pubdate>September 1995 to May 1997</pubdate>
<title>Technical Director, Online Publishing</title>
<para>Designed and implemented...blah blah blah</para>
<sect3 role='pgbreak'>
<pubdate>November 1993 to August 1995</pubdate>
<title>Production Tools Specialist</title>
<para>Designed and implemented...blah blah blah</para>

My stylesheet for this document renders this as a table for print presentation
(but not for online because I didn't think it looked as good that way).

| 1. I need to put a page with some text into a <book> right after the
|    titlepage. It doesn't have a title. It should come before the TOC. It
|    shouldn't show up in the TOC (currently I use an <article> inside the
|    <book>, and it doesn't satisfy either condition).

Is it the titlepage verso?

| 2. (Haven't looked at this one actually). The <book> should have two
|    abstracts in different languages. I format them as <preface>s. These
|    prefaces should come before the TOC, right after
|    that-page-with-some-text mentioned above.

Hmmm. That one's trickier, but I suppose I'd simply put both abstracts in
the <bookinfo> and tweak the stylesheets to present them.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | Of all the preposterous
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | assumptions of humanity over
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | humanity, nothing exceeds most of
                                   | the criticisms made on the habits
                                   | of the poor by the well-housed,
                                   | well-warmed, and well-fed.--Herman
                                   | Melville

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