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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Question about Sets in DocBook

Ian Castle wrote:

> On Tue, 2002-01-15 at 13:28, Bob McIlvride wrote:
>>We're still going the SGML route, but if you want to see how 
>>we do it, you're welcome to take a look at our in-house manual:
> Useful document!

Thank you.  I take that as a real compliment, considering the depth of 
knowledge and experience I've seen in your other postings to this list.

> Section 6.5
> http://developers.cogentrts.com/cogent/prepdoc/pd-installingjadetex.html
> Is out of date - jadetex is can now be found at

Yes, I'm not surprised.  We kind of let that one lag for quite a while now. 
  Once we finally hit upon a decent working combination of jadetex and dsssl 
(with a few of our own customizations thrown into the mix) we decided to 
just freeze our development in those areas until a proven XML --> FO --> PDF 
toolset evolves that gives equal or better output than DSSSL --> TeX --> 
PDF.  As we haven't updated jadetex since then, it looks like our links are 
getting stale.  I'll have to fix that, and I appreciate your input.


> Have you investigated PNG with density information for bitmapped
> graphics in PDF? It works far, far better than GIFS - you don't have to
> worry about scaling information. (imageresolution in jadetex.cfg). I
> suspect that this is the root of your mysterious differences!

The same principle applies here.  We spent a good deal of time (counting in 
days, not hours) getting decent output, that we decided to leave well enough 
alone.  But that was about two years ago--which is how many centuries in 
computer time?  It's probably time to revisit the problem, and I appreciate 
your suggestions.



Robert McIlvride (robert@cogent.ca)
Cogent Real-Time Systems (www.cogent.ca)

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