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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Bibliography management/BibTex equivalent
/ Mark Wroth <mark@astrid.upland.ca.us> was heard to say: | BibTeX allows any fields in any entry. Each bibliography style then | parses the fields into "required", "optional", and "ignored", and | provides typesetting rules for the required and optional fields. Any | field that is neither required nor optional is treated as ignored. Do the rules ever reorder fields? I could tweak the stylesheets to select only some entries from each biblioentry and process them. How does BibTeX deal with punctuation around optional entries? Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Anything more than the truth would http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | be too much.--Robert Frost Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |
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