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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Bibliography management/BibTex equivalent
Norman Walsh wrote: > > / Mark Wroth <mark@astrid.upland.ca.us> was heard to say: > | BibTeX allows any fields in any entry. Each bibliography style then > | parses the fields into "required", "optional", and "ignored", and > | provides typesetting rules for the required and optional fields. Any > | field that is neither required nor optional is treated as ignored. > > Do the rules ever reorder fields? I could tweak the stylesheets to > select only some entries from each biblioentry and process them. > > How does BibTeX deal with punctuation around optional entries? It would be nice if the output style was pluggable... Like in LaTex where you include a style for it... This style defines the proper order, and states which fields are outputed... Is it possible to have a file inclusion based on a variable? (/me is thinking XSLT now...) That is, have a parameter which a user can overwrite, and based on this parameter, a specific bibilography style is loaded? This bibliographic style would a an XSLT stylesheet overwriting some default style, possibly the stylesheets now used for the bibliographic elements... That would be a very convenient solution... As you might know i am working on JReferences [1], and planned on writing extensions to this software that would generated preformated biblioentries that would give the needed output with the current XSLT stylesheets... But i consider this a less optimal solution. Egon 1. http://jreferences.sf.net/ -- Egon Willighagen <egonw@sci.kun.nl> Occupation: PhD on Molecular Representation Hobbies: http://www-woc.sci.kun.nl/, http://cdk.sf.net/ http://www.linuxfocus.org/
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