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Subject: Font used for hyphenation-character
I'm attempting to insert a sensible continuation character for program listings. I don't want to use "\" or "...", since there is a risk that the reader of the document would misinterpret those as characters to be typed. So the effect I'm going for is this: http://geraintnorth.com/verbatim_break_lines.png In that mock-up, I have three lines of text, all of which break. The arrow indicates that the line is continued. The Courier typeface doesn't provide the symbols that I want, so I'd ideally like to be able to insert the hyphenation character in the ZapfDingbats typeface. Can this be achieved by modifying the XSLT stylesheets, or is the hyphenation the responsibility of the FO renderer (XEP in my case)? I guess that I could look into performing the hyphenation manually in the XSLT - since the font in question is fixed-width, it might be easier than it would be in the general case. Thanks, Geraint North Principal Engineer Transitive
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