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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] syntax highlighting doesn't work, nor throws errors.

Juri Memmert wrote:
> Hash: RIPEMD160
> Mike wrote:
>>> But that's about the last idea... for when I use your command-line in
>>> the test directory (with adjusted paths), I do get the highlights.
>>> So, even if you think I am a moron for even suggesting it, could you
>>> check your stylesheet for any formatting on the <b>?
>> No no, at this point I've run out of ideas anyway! I appreciate the attempt,
>> I only just added the docbook.css recently. It's the bsd docbook, first 
>> on the list here:
>> http://wiki.docbook.org/topic/DocBookCssStylesheets
>> Before that I had no css, and still no highlighting.  Does the syntax 
>> highlighting need a specific docbook? I was thinking it might, but when 
>> I view source on the html, there's no, like <span> tags in the code or 
>> anything anyway.  And of course, I still get that error when I do the 
>> tansform.
>> There's probably something else in your build.xml that I need to add to 
>> my line command... some flag or something...
> Alright... let's see... I'll try to summarize what I have in terms of
> settings... maybe you can spot what's missing:
> The Java call to transform from Docbook to HTML:
> java \
> - -classpath [Path to saxon.jar]:[Path to xslthl.jar]:[Path to
> saxon65.jar] \
> - -Dxslthl.config="file://[Path to xslthl-config.xml]" \
> com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet [Path to input.xml] [Path to stylesheet]
> In the customization stylesheet:
> <xsl:import href="[Path to chunk.xsl]"/>
> <xsl:import href="[Path to highlighting/common.xsl]"/>
> <xsl:import href="[Path to html/highlight.xsl]"/>
> <xsl:param name="base.dir" select="'[Path to your basedir]"/>
> <xsl:param name="highlight.source" select="1"/>
> And, as a last resort... The MD5SUM of the xslthl-config.xml
> c64c7a25b6c62422f6b4653f4f6174c2  xslthl-config.xml
> In case you haven't checked that your xslthl library isn't broken somehow...
> And that's it.
> All I can suggest now is that you copy some of your data into the test I
> sent, configure the paths in the build.xml and try to find out whether
> the ANT build does produce the correct output... for if it does then we
> know that it's a problem with your normal setup. Otherwise, all bets are
> off and it could be broken JARs or something similar...

Thanks very much for trying, here are my checksums of both the 
xslthl-config.xml I've tried:


md5sum /www/notlive/docbook/xslthldamnit/highlighters/xslthl-config.xml

OK I've never used ANT before, I'll look into how to try yours out.

Actually, can you try one more thing for me- have you tried doing yours 
from the command line instead of ANT? (Or do you mean you just tried 
that already).

If you get yours to run from command line then I give up too! thanks Juri

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