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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Fwd: Thanks!
Hi Frank,
using the webhelp-fast stylesheets from this thread reduces the build
time immensely:
(It does not solve the problem of including the ToC in every file, though.)
On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 4:14 PM, Wegmann, Frank
<Frank.Wegmann@softwareag.com> wrote:
> That is most interesting, especially now that I tested a worst-case scenario using a single <set> document being 42.6 MB large. This took full 12 hours to generate all HTML pages (yes, I used a larger JVM heap space). Now this is still something that could somehow be handled, not without pain, of course, but it's a question of job scheduling. However, the resulting HTML files all contain the complete TOC of the set so each of the 4,450 HTML files is around 200 kB, totaling 8.7 GB.
> Perhaps I'm missing some runtime setting here, but of course the TOC should be present just once. Is that possible?
> BTW, I also created a PDF file from the set: Processing time was adequate, but decent, and the 9,738 pages came out just fine.
> Now, Mary, if you managed to develop a solution that operates on book level but creates a WebHelp for a complete set, then it would be beneficial probably not only for me, if you could tell us about it.
> Thanks,
> Frank
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mary Tabasko [mailto:tabasko@telerama.com]
> Sent: Samstag, 6. September 2014 01:42
> To: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] Fwd: Thanks!
> Frank Wegmann said:
>> our documentation sets often consist of many "modules"
>> resulting in as many DocBook files (and as many PDF files), but to
>> produce a single WebHelp for all of them it seems the only way is to
>> wrap all DocBook files into a single <set>. Is that correct?
>> Because I feel this is not really an option, since some sets comprise
>> several thousand pages and we might run into serious performance
>> trouble.
> That's exactly what we did. We have several "book"-level documents, from which we generate individual PDFs, and for the Webhelp (and for the MSHelp before it), we simply had a "set"-level document that included the "book"-level documents. For the product for which we did this, there were three PDFs, with page counts of (rounding up) 700, 800, and 40 (just 40) pages. These were wrapped into one "set" for one of our Webhelp "documents". I was able to keep the processing of this helpset (HTML and indexing) to about 2 minutes, though we are NOT profiling.
> Just for grins, I may try running one of our "monster" docs (we have a couple that are over 2000 pages as PDF) through it, but we have no plans to provide those as HTML, so I haven't bothered yet.
>> (And, Mary, yes, I'm quite obviously interested in your WebHelp
>> experiences as well...)
> I'm amazed at the level of interest!
> I will put together my notes -- is it OK to send a PNG (screenshot) to this list, so you can see what it looks like??
> -- Mary Tabasko
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