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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] TOC placement in pdf
Actually, there's a param for that. If you insert an empty <toc/> element in your content, and set this param:
and set
generate.toc to blank (to turn off the default toc), then the
stylesheet will generate a toc where that <toc/> element
is located. Apparently this param came after the last edition
of my book so it isn't covered there, but it is included in
the fo parameter reference doc online.
Unfortunately, the content model of article does not allow a toc element after normal content, even though the stylesheet doesn't care. So you either have to tolerate a validation error, or insert the empty toc element just before processing.
a cleaner customization would be to insert a processing
instruction instead of an empty toc element so it validates,
and write some XSL to process that PI using the XSL code
borrowed and customized from the template that starts with
<xsl:template match="chapter/toc | appendix/toc | preface/toc | article/toc">
fo/toc.xsl. Basically you want to call the template named
'component.toc' but with the right context. I haven't tried
this, but it should work.
Hmmm,ÂI'll check.I'd prefer to control it via xsl if that's possible as it provides max flexibility.Not sure if it's possible ðÂ
On Tue, 21 Feb 2023, 6:17 pm Dave Pawson, <dave.pawson@gmail.com> wrote:
Can you use the <toc/> element to place it where you want?
On Tue, 21 Feb 2023 at 06:28, Richard Hamilton <hamilton@xmlpress.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> The element Iâve used to put things before the toc is <dedication>, which allows a lot more elements than you might expect, including paragraphs and tables.
> It is an abuse of the tag, (Iâve used it only for a dedication in our books), but in a pinch, it might do what you need.
> Iâm sure others on this list may have some good (probably better:) ideas, but Iâm not sure you can do what you want to do with any other element, unless you modify the stylesheets.
> I hope that helps.
> Dick Hamilton
> -------
> XML Press
> XML for Technical Communicators
> http://xmlpress.net
> hamilton@xmlpress.net
> > On Feb 20, 2023, at 23:04, rohith R <rohith.ubuntu@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> >
> > I'm using an article style docbook and convert it into pdf.
> >
> > The TOC is getting generated after the title page. I want it before the section but after the front matter. How can I accomplish this?
> >
> > My article structure (docbook5):
> > - title page
> > - other stuff (text and couple of tables)
> > - multiple sections <section>
> >
> > I want the TOC placed after "other stuff" and before sections.
> >
> > How can I accomplish it?
> > At the moment they get generated after title page when generating pdf.
> >
> > Regards,
> > R
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