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Subject: Minutes from Oasis ID-Cloud TC call (7 March 2011)


Here are the minutes from the ID-Cloud TC this week.
Apologies if I missed any discussion points or threads.



Oasis ID-Cloud TC Meeting Minutes (7 March 2011)

[Notation:  Q = question; A = answer; C = comment]

1) Roll Call and Agenda Review:
- Quorum was NOT achieved.

2) Minute Taker:
- Thomas Hardjono minute taker.

3) Approval of TC Meeting Minutes from 21 Feb 2011:


- Approval deferred to next meeting due to lack of quorum.

4) Webinar by IDcloud:

- Dee Schur (Oasis Admin) coordinates webinars and 
  the members section in Oasis.
  o She received numerous inquiries about the IDcloud TC 
    during the 2011 RSA Conference a couple of weeks ago.
  o Dee suggests it is timely that TC give a webinar
    about the TC's work, say around May 2011.
  o She is seeking people in the TC who would be willing
    to give the webinar.
  o Webinar may have two parts: a business-focused part
    and a technical-focused part.

- Anil suggested to do the webinar after the TC F2F 
  at the end of April.

- Colin: commented that we should present something 
  that is not generic, otherwise the audience may get bored.

  o Dee mentioned that this TC has never done a webinar before. 
    So it is useful for the TC to present its set 
    of use-cases, perhaps grouping/clustering under 
    certain topics. Many people would be interested in 
    hearing the use-cases being addressed in the TC. 
    We will not have any difficulties in getting an audience.

- Anil:  Does Matt have any comments?

  o Matt: Not sure yet as to the content of the webinar.
  o Anil: May be the first webinar should be just about
    the scope of the TC and its use-cases.
  o Dee suggests that the webinar is a good outreach effort.

- Dee: length of presentation is usually 45 mins plus 
       15 min Q&A.
  o The webinar is recorded and will be placed on the
    Oasis website.
  o Dee can arrange 4 or 5 presenters for that 45 mins.

  o Anil suggested that we choose a suitable time
    to address the time-zone differences.
    + Dee says usually 11AM-East works best since it
      covers Western Europe and the US Pacific coast.

- Dee requests:
  o Brief description of presentation(s).
  o List of speakers.
  o Target date for webinar: mid-May 2011
  o Please feel free to contact Dee if you have
    any questions/suggestions:  dee.schur[AT]oasis-open.org

(5) F2F Logistics:

- Date: April 28-29 in California
  o Venue: Bank of America (BOA) offices in Concord, CA.

  o Dominique:
    - BOA building in Concord is about 30 minutes 
      from San Francisco.
    - BART station in front of building.
    - Lots of restaurants nearby.
    - Dominique will check if WiFi access available
      in the meeting room (for guest access to 
      the Internet).

  o Anil: If WiFi unavailable at BOA, there is a backup 
      venue at Microsoft building in Mountain View, CA.

(6) Editors Discussion:

- Matt: reports that there are no significant changes 
    to the main use-case doc. The new use-cases have 
    not yet been integrated into main doc.

- Colin: asks when is the deadline for the fine-tuned 
    version of the new use-cases?
  o Anil: use-cases doc must be completed prior 
    to F2F so that we can discuss it there.
  o Matt: send updated new use-cases to the 
    mailing-list as per usual.

(7) NIST Cloud Computing workshop
- Dates:  April 7/8 in DC.
- Anil: says he has been invited to be on panel.
  o Good opportunity to present to the Gov sector.
  o Anil says he has no plan to attend, and asks if 
    anyone is planning to attend.
  o Gershon says he is considering attending.

(8) JIRA Issues (4 items)

- URL for issues:  

- IDCLOUD-1: Verify with TC admins on new template document.

  o Anil:  We did not get a formal response from Oasis 
     about which do format to use.
     + So we just define our own.

  o Matt: the doc format must be registered with Oasis.

- IDCLOUD-2: Organize a poll for dates and locations 
             for F2F.
  o Status: done/closed.

- IDCLOUD-3: Organize one or two extended telecon calls 
             prior to F2F meeting.
  o Status: open. Anil will schedule those two telecons.

- IDCLOUD-4: Submit proposal for participation at 
             IDtrust workshop (6-7 April 2011).
  o Status: open.

(9) Other TC Business:

- Anil: There are some TCs whosee work maybe relevant to 
  the IDcloud TC.  An example is the 
  Privacy Management TC (PMRM).

- Michelle:
  o Michele says she active in the PMRM TC.
    She will send an update about the status of the
    PMRM TC.
  o Also please feel free to contact her if you are
    interested in the PMRM TC.

- Anil: there is also the Key Management TC (KMIP),
    which maybe relevant to the IDcloud TC.

(10) Meeting Adjourned. 
- Quorum still not attained.
- New member: Philip Lieberman (Lieberman Software).


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