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office-comment message

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Subject: Re: [office-comment] Is there an Issue Tracker for OD format TC?

"David King" <openoffice@drking.plus.com> wrote on 01/04/2008 02:43:44 AM:

> Just to be clear - I've submitted comments here because on the 
> OpenDocument - Formula page
> it says:
> "NOTE: We're sorry, but due to technical problems the public "Send a 
> Comment" button on the formula subcommittee page currently DOES NOT 
> WORK. We very much want to receive public comments -- for now, please 
> send comments to the formula subcommittee through the OpenDocument 
> TC comment form. "
> and the link leads to this list.
> It does sound rather as if my commments will be considered on a 
> sometime/never basis, so I'll desist and unsubscribe.
> It might be an idea to change the web page to discourage others?
> D

As Mary points out we now have a comment list, not a comment form. 
Different mechanism, but it all gets to the same people. 

As we dispose comments, we'll notify the original submittors.  So, as long 
as your email remains the same, you do not need to remain on the list, 
unless you are interested in other comments.



Rob Weir
Software Architect
Workplace, Portal and Collaboration Software
IBM Software Group

email: robert_weir@us.ibm.com
phone: 1-978-399-7122
blog: http://www.robweir.com/blog/

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