agenda bashing
approval of 2008-05-01 minutes
May 1st minutes approved.
suggesting changing minutes in-order to strike word 'possible' in May 1st minutes
May 1st minutes approved with change above
Action item review
AI #0021
Chairs - to follow up with Mary to post the CD docs to OASIS repository
If anyone else can volunteer for creating the proposal
suggested to close the action item with no action
Can produce a proposal for AI# 0021 May 29th
AI #0037 remains pending - RDDL files needs to be uploaded.
New issues discussion
Issue #21
We have decided that we would put all attributes in the same namespace
Opened Issue 21 to be separate from Issue 14.
m: close BPEL-21 with no action and add a comment to reference BPEL-20
Moves to close issue 21 with no action with reference to Issue 20
Resolution: BPEL-21 closed with no action. Issue list to be updated to point 21 to issue 20.
Issue 20 discussion
Issue 20 proposal is not complete.
mustUnderstand is reflection of actual BPEL process: whether BPEL process can run that construct
if mustUnderstand = true then process cannot run if the BPEL processor cannot understand the attribute
If mustUnderstand = false the process will run with potential of runing an invalid process
we should not make mustUnderstand = true but make it flexible so that BPEL process does not have to understand.
if BPEL variables as sca properties are not understood they will not be intialized
Agrees with Danny, the must understand attributes must be left to the authors of BPEL process
update the proposal to reflect when to set mustUnderstand = true/false
It is would nice to update the proposal but it is already well defined in BPEL specifications.
we have the following attributes: multiref, property, service, reference and intent in our NS
and there was silence...
sounds like we need a proposal
go over each BPEL sca extension attributes so that we can figure out whether they are required or not
reference can be required, but may not be attribute as it can define a value 0..1 implying that it needs to be wired
Whether BPEL process understand is one way looking at it; other way looking at is to take into account the intent of the
developer of the BPEL process.
mustUnderstand= true/false is more of guidance issue.
Introduce a short paragraph to explain that it depends on the context user is running BPEL process
mustUnderstand= true also restricts portability as BPEL process running in SCA context cannot be ported to non SCA environment
without editing the BPEL file and changing mustUnderstand = false.
Providing some guidance for mustUnderstand attribute would be useful.
<Mike Edwards>
I think we are making far too much of this issue
Mike Edwards:
we should not require mustUnderstand = true.
Danny to craft a proposal to resolve this issue
Danny moves to accept this proposal that is in JIRA
Action: Anish to amend Danny's proposal to resolve issue 20.
Schreiber diagnostics output
[Delete this section before publishing the minutes]
statistics: Schreiber found 134 input lines
edits: Schreiber found the following text-edit commands:
edits: Line 228: anish: s/multiref reference is required/reference can be required, but may not be/
command-scribe: Line 2: Najeeb Andrabi recognized
command-scribe: Schreiber detected that this section was scribed online
citation-detection-irc1: Line 22: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'http'
citation-detection-irc1: Line 40: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'http'
citation-detection-irc1: Line 46: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'http'
citation-detection-irc1: Line 82: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'a) Issue 21 http'
citation-detection-irc1: Line 88: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'b) Issue 20 http'
citation-detection-irc1: Line 96: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'c) Issue 15 http'
citation-detection-irc1: Line 102: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'http'
citation-detection-irc1: Line 104: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'http'
citation-detection-irc1: Line 106: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'http'
citation-detection-irc1: Line 108: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'http'
citation-detection-irc1: Line 110: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'http'
citation-detection-irc1: Line 114: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'http'
citation-detection-irc1: Line 118: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'd) Issue 18 http'
citation-detection-irc1: Line 128: Check for possible unrecognized nick 'e) Issue 16 http'
edit-substitute: command on line 228 succeeded, changed line 226 from 'multiref reference is required' to 'reference can be
required, but may not be'
edit-delete: Line 228 was deleted
system: Transformer: SAXON
[End of Schreiber diagnostic output]