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Subject: RE: [soa-rm-ra] SOA RA Management Section


Thanks for getting this out.  In general, it seems pretty consistent with
what else we've been saying throughout the PR2 document, but I'll leave it
to those more involved in management to debate details.

The one part where I'd like some clarification is Lifecycle Management.  In
particular, are you saying there has to be be one lifecycle used by
everyone?  From current experience with numerous agencies, I know that will
not fly.

When you talk about "managed capabilities applicable to a SOA ecosystem",
can these be structure or underlying assumptions that guide specifics
generated by individual organizations, with the intent of having some
consistency in what is generated and how it is represented?  For example,
Lifecycle Management in concept may be fundamental but different groups may
have different defined lifecycles or different levels of detail for specific
parts of the lifecycle, e.g. developers having more development details.
Management could define "requirements" of a lifecycle without specifying THE

One other point: when you talk about "a description of the dependencies", to
what extent is this hidden by opacity?  A provider says a service average
availability over, say, a 4 wk period will be at least 92%.  The provider
knows its dependencies and states 92%, and the consumer trusts that number
(or not) based on information that is limited in detail at some level.
Furthermore, if A depends on B and C, and B depends on D and E, and C
depends on ..., stating "all" dependencies doesn't scale.  Where should we
have visibility and where does opacity set in?


Dr. Kenneth Laskey
MITRE Corporation, M/S H305              phone: 703-983-7934
7515 Colshire Drive                                    fax:
McLean VA 22102-7508

-----Original Message-----
From: Hestand, Dan [mailto:phestand@mitre.org] 
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 12:57 AM
To: soa-rm-ra@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [soa-rm-ra] SOA RA Management Section

I'm delivering the management section in a standalone form. It is not in the
template form so I did not want to put it directly in the site because it
doesn't fit in any bin there. It also does not include UML models. I have
purchased MagicDraw Personal Edition but given the time and the other
demands on my priority list, the images will have to follow with the correct
template format later.

I apologize for not getting this out earlier but I was diverted by a tasking
that was marketed as a high priority.

Anyway, here it is. Take it apart. It resembles the old section in structure
because I made my notes as I read through the old section and that is the
order they came in. It contains material that I feel is necessary to say
about management and its relationship to other aspects of SOA. I also took
liberties with the term "Manageability Capability" which I find cumbersome
and not very informative, mostly because to me "manageability" is a
capability and adding "capability" to it is like naming an interface
TheInterface interface. My opinion, so feel free to disagree. Much of the
stuff is from my experiences going into different organizations and seeing
things that were either appalling or enlightening. Odd that it was never
moderated to the middle of those.

Feel free to email me directly with comments, criticisms, or questions. Or
we can do it in the telecon later.

Thank you for your patience.

Dan Hestand
Lead Software Systems Engineer
The MITRE Corporation

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