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Subject: Re: [xtm-wg] XTM logo

[cc: TopicMaps.Org chairs]

Jason Markos wrote:
> Hi
> As the acting chair of the marketing committee I am writing to you guys to
> dicsuss the XTM logo.  So far, one logo has been used in public a couple of
> times without any vote from the authoring committee.  We need to get a logo
> as soon as possible as XML Washington is looming.  However, I do not want to
> break protocol to achieve this.  So my suggestion is that we need to get a
> vote from the authoring committes on a logo - ASAP.  To this end, Murray
> will send out some logos, including the already publicised logo, to the
> working group tomorrow.  He will detail the process by which a vote can take
> place as well as the deadlines for submitting a vote.  (My apologoes for
> kicking of another voting process!)

The process is as follows -- I've been in contact with Steve Newcomb on this
issue and he seems okay with us proceeding with a vote, which will remove
any remaining ambiguities of process, existing logos, etc. I do agree 
strongly with Jason that we must move on this ASAP, and that the final 
decision must be achieved with all measure of fairness to all AG members:

  On or before Wednesday morning PST I will post a web page with four 
  options, each numbered. Voting will take place by sending me your decision
  prior to 5pm PST on Friday, 21 Nov 2000. I will take the last vote from
  you prior to that time as your final vote. Your email to me should begin
  with [XTM-LOGO]. I will announce the tally of these votes (including who
  voted for which logo so that there is no mystery or ambiguity) as soon as
  I am able following the Friday deadline, possibly Friday or Saturday 
  morning. If there is a tie, we will rely on the chair of the AG to
  determine how that tie should be resolved.

I'm sorry that the deadline is Friday, but it must be remembered that in
the US, the Thanksgiving holiday removes many people from work for four
days. I will be coming into the office on Friday or Saturday to tally
and post the results. I don't think it would be fair to allow only one
eight hour period for voting, as due to time differences this may make
it impossible for everyone to vote. 

It should be emphasized that your vote should take into account issues 
such as logo distinctiveness, complexity, similarity to other logos,
compatibility with the tenets of XTM, simplicity in printing (ie.,
number of colors and how it will look in black and white), etc. A good,
distinctive logo achieved with consensus of the AG is important!


[*] http://www.idealliance.org/xtm/
Murray Altheim, SGML/XML Grease Monkey     <mailto:altheim&#64;eng.sun.com>
XML Technology Center
Sun Microsystems, 1601 Willow Rd., MS UMPK17-102, Menlo Park, CA 94025

      In the evening
      The rice leaves in the garden
      Rustle in the autumn wind
      That blows through my reed hut.  -- Minamoto no Tsunenobu

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