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Subject: Re: [topicmaps-comment] Topic, reifiying an adressable subject as rolein an association

* Thomas B. Passin
| Yes, if we could get some clear patterns published, perhaps people
| would start trying to implement them and work with them, so we could
| get some useful experience.  In turn, this might lead to additions
| to the specs in the future.  Alternatively, it might lead to
| something analogous to the EXSLT extensions to XSLT.  

My thinking precisely. I think this is worth pursuing, but my
particular cup happens to be very full at the moment, so I can't pick
this up. I can cheer anyone who does, though. :)

| In fact, that might be a good model for adding capability but having
| it be potentially useful to a range of systems rather than just a
| single proprietary one.


--Lars M.

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