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Subject: Re: [ubl-csc] [Fwd: [chairs] Member interface launch 17 March; needsattention; future plans]

But to add him with his old email address he has to appear in the list, and
he doesn't...

Tim McGrath wrote:
> we can only add arofan with his old email address and then ...
>>Everyone who is currently 
>>subscribed to the TC, SC, JC, MS SC, TAB, etc. lists will now be on your 
>>rosters _*except for people who are ineligible (not OASIS members) or are 
>>using email addresses not from their companies*_. Scott McGrath, the OASIS 
>>membership director, will be contacting these people to ask them to set 
>>up accounts using the correct email address. If you have any questions 
>>about why a particualr person is not on your roster please contact Scott 
>>  at scott.mcgrath@oasis-open.org.
> good luck. (it now appears we have until monday afternoon (your time) to 
> resolve this.).
> Eduardo Gutentag wrote:
>> I'm trying to work on the CMSC list; I cannot add Arofan Gregory :-( 
>> either,
>> which makes things kinda silly...
>> What are we supposed to do?
>> Tim McGrath wrote:
>>> Hmmm, obviously some of us are not - as i did not see this message.  
>>> I am however, on the Kavi chairs system - so it appears they are not 
>>> aligned.
>>> It appears that the most critical thing is that  we have our UBL 
>>> 'roster' lists (as Kavi calls memberships) set up by Monday 17th. 
>>> The lists themselves have been established for both UBL TC and all 
>>> SCs, except we appear to have no UBL-comment list!. The others appear 
>>> to have been populated - but not by recent data, and each member is 
>>> only OBSERVER .
>>> OASIS expect us to go through these lists and change the status (and 
>>> voting rights) of each member as appropriate.  I suspect this needs 
>>> Lisa's database, but in the short term I propose making all current 
>>> subscribers a MEMBER type and given them Voting rights - we can 
>>> adjust this backwards as necessary, but i figured this was the most 
>>> common case.  Unfortunately, I only have authority to update the UBL 
>>> TC and UBL LC SC lists so have only been able to make the necessary 
>>> changes to these. 
>>> By taking  a subscriber list off the current mailing lists and trying 
>>> to subscribe these onto the Kavi system, i discovered the following 
>>> integrity issues...
>>> Kavi only allows official OASIS members on its roster lists.  When 
>>> adding a new member you must pick email addresses off pick lists of 
>>> existing OASIS members - so this means we have some differences to 
>>> fix up.  We cannot update email addresses or add new names, these are 
>>> under OASIS central control.
>>> _Current subscribers to UBL TC list who will not be registered under 
>>> Kavi because they don't appear on the OASIS membership list..._
>>> chad.gates@vic.ara.com.au
>>> charliem22@yahoo.com
>>> doug_jones@agilent.com
>>> dsleeper@accessvia.com
>>> dvint@acord.org
>>> jean_luc_champion@yahoo.com
>>> leon@shiman.com
>>> robert.shanbaum@gerbercoburn.com
>>> I suggest that we email these and ask them to confirm their OASIS 
>>> membership (or arrange something with OASIS for 'guest experts')
>>> _Current subscribers to UBL TC list who will be registered under Kavi 
>>> but with a different email address (probably an older one, because 
>>> thats what OASIS think it is)..._
>>> glushko@sims.berkeley.edu will be registered as  
>>> Bob.glushko@commerceone.com
>>> jhervey@cstorecentral.com will be registered as  jhervey@nacsonline.com
>>> lseaburg@aeon-llc.com will be will be registered as  xmlgeek@gmi.net
>>> matthew.gertner@acepoint.cz will be registered as  matthew@acepoint.cz
>>> These members probably wont see any messages from Monday (unless they 
>>> have a forward set up) and wont be able to post using their current 
>>> email addresses.
>>> I suggest that we email these and ask them to update their OASIS 
>>> membership details (two of you are reading this message - i hope!)
>>> _Current subscribers to UBL LCSC list who will not be registered 
>>> under Kavi because they don't appear on the OASIS membership list..._
>>> arofan.gregory@earthlink.net
>>> chad.gates@vic.ara.com.au
>>> donrudie@att.net
>>> dvint@acord.org
>>> tb@abies.co.uk
>>> _Current subscribers to UBL LCSC list who will be registered under 
>>> Kavi but with a different email address (probably an older one, 
>>> because thats what OASIS think it is)..._
>>> lseaburg@aeon-llc.com will be will be registered as  xmlgeek@gmi.net
>>> Chairs of other SCs will need to get an authorized Kavi username from 
>>> Scott (no relation) McGrath at scott.mcgrath@oasis-open.org and do 
>>> likewise - ideally before Monday.  If this doesn't happen most 
>>> current SC members will get postings, but no-one will be able to post 
>>> to the list.
>>> There are other issues with respect to web pages and access but these 
>>> are less time critical (hopefully).
>>> Eve L. Maler wrote:
>>>> I don't know if all the UBL SC chairs are on the OASIS chairs list.  
>>>> In case you're not, here's an urgent notice regarding Kavi...
>>>>     Eve
>>>> -------- Original Message -------C
>>>> Subject: [chairs] Member interface launch 17 March;  needs 
>>>> attention; future plans
>>>> Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 14:50:20 -0800
>>>> From: James Bryce Clark <jamie.clark@oasis-open.org>
>>>> To: chairs@lists.oasis-open.org
>>>>      Per Karl's message, we are completing the initialization of the 
>>>> OASIS
>>>> member interface and its back-end database, and plan to launch 
>>>> officially
>>>> on Monday.
>>>>      As discussed on this list -- at some length -- when we flip the
>>>> switch, the definitive membership database also will control access to
>>>> OASIS mailing lists.  A fair number of TC chairs have not yet signed 
>>>> in to
>>>> review their TC membership lists.  The critical path for implementation
>>>> requires each chair to confirm the voting/observer status of each TC
>>>> participant.  The system also allows a properly-designated TC secretary
>>>> (might be a subordinate officer, vice-chair, etc.)  to do this *for* 
>>>> you.
>>>>      In the short run, failure to do so will result in legitimate 
>>>> members
>>>> being locked out from posting temporarily.  This would be 
>>>> disappointing and
>>>> perhaps disruptive to ongoing substantive work.  We ask each of you 
>>>> to make
>>>> it a first priority to enter your voting member designations.  I will
>>>> contact you to follow up on the status of your TC's membership 
>>>> roster next
>>>> week.
>>>>      Please note that we will launch the DB and access system with its
>>>> basic set of capabilities, as described in our announcements and 
>>>> training
>>>> sessions.   As also discussed -- a lot -- there may be functions 
>>>> that have
>>>> less granularity than some might like.
>>>>      Adoption of the interface software, like our work on shared 
>>>> document
>>>> naming rules, necessarily does constrain some of our activities into
>>>> taxonomies and normative locations.  There will be initial mapping 
>>>> issues,
>>>> and we are sensitive to persistent URI needs.  Still, we view this as a
>>>> positive and necessary step towards greater  transparency to our 
>>>> members
>>>> and to the target users of OASIS deliverables.  Effective, scalable 
>>>> access
>>>> to our rapidly-growing body of work always has been a core OASIS 
>>>> goal.  As
>>>> we get bigger and more diverse, it becomes more complex and even more
>>>> strategically important to do it well.
>>>>      We are receiving helpful comments and suggestions on this [chairs]
>>>> list, and off-sides.  We anticipate a second stage of tweaks and 
>>>> possible
>>>> extensions within a few months of the initial launch date.  As 
>>>> previously
>>>> announced, in order to preserve backward compatibility, we will 
>>>> co-locate
>>>> most pre-launch work product at its prior location as well as a new
>>>> DB-managed location during this interim period.  During that time our
>>>> community will explore and discuss persistent aliasing or 
>>>> cross-referencing
>>>> approaches.  This is the kind of challenge we should enjoy having.  It
>>>> results from our collective body of work being sufficiently large, 
>>>> dense
>>>> and archival to need careful planning.
>>>>      Obviously, we need and welcome your continued feedback.  Our 
>>>> task is
>>>> to maintain and refine good practices and procedures that work both 
>>>> for 50+
>>>> existing TCs, and for the many others who come to us and evaluate our
>>>> capabilities as a productive, open, fair, functional and effective 
>>>> platform
>>>> for their standards work.
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Jamie Clark
>>>> OASIS Open
>>>> +1 978 667 5115 x 203
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription
>>>> manager: <http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl>
>>> -- 
>>> regards
>>> tim mcgrath
>>> fremantle  western australia 6160
>>> phone: +618 93352228  fax: +618 93352142
> -- 
> regards
> tim mcgrath
> fremantle  western australia 6160
> phone: +618 93352228  fax: +618 93352142 

Eduardo Gutentag               |         e-mail: eduardo.gutentag@Sun.COM
Web Technologies and Standards |         Phone:  +1 510 550 4616 x31442
Sun Microsystems Inc.          |         1800 Harrison St. Oakland, CA 94612
W3C AC Rep / OASIS TAB Chair

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