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Subject: Agenda for Atlantic UBL TC call 29 June 2016 14:00UTC

Agenda for Atlantic UBL TC call 29 June 2016 14:00UTC



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   Access Code: 714-594-514
   Meeting ID: 714-594-514
   Audio PIN (deprecated): Shown after joining the meeting

Pacific teleconference attendance:

  Kenneth Bengtsson
  G. Ken Holman (convener)
  Tim McGrath

  Regrets received in advance:

   Andy Schoka


    - the following should be used as a specific citation:
      OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) v2.1 (ISO/IEC 19845:2015)
    - the following would be used for a general (any version) citation:
      OASIS UBL (ISO/IEC 19845)
    - the canonical documents are available in the OASIS repository:
    - the ISO/IEC catalogue entry is found at:
    - the ISO/IEC document and attachments are found at:


   Additions to events calendar: http://ubl.xml.org/events
    - no new events to add at this time

   Review of Pacific call minutes (copied below as agenda items)

   Review of Atlantic call minutes

  Membership status review

    - voting status is determined by the following:
      - existing voting members must not miss two consecutive meetings to
        maintain voting status
      - non-voting members must attend two consecutive meetings to obtain
        voting status
      - members formally on leave by prior request must not attend and
        their voting status is not impacted
    - committee officers (alphabetical):
      - Jon Bosak (secretary)
      - G. Ken Holman (co-chair)
      - Tim McGrath (co-chair)
    - current UBL TC voting member list (alphabetical) and relationships:
      - Oriol Bausa
        - Member OASIS BDXR, Member OASIS ebXML, Editor TC434 Validation
      - Kenneth Bengtsson
        - Chair OASIS BDXR, Member OASIS ebXML
      - Kees Duvekot
        - Member OASIS BDXR
      - G. Ken Holman
        - Member OASIS BDXR, CA Member JTC 1/SC32, CA Expert UN/CEFACT
      - Ole Madsen
        - DK Member CEN/TC440, CEN/TC440 Liaison JTC 1/SC 32
      - Tim McGrath
        - EESPA Observer CEN/TC434, AU Expert UN/CEFACT
      - Andy Schoka
        - Member ISO/TC204, US Member JTC 1/SC 32
    - members approaching losing voting status:
      - Oriol Bausa

UBL 2.2

 - the initial suggestion period for UBL 2.2 is now closed
   - the TC is now expecting each of the Transportation, Pre-award and
     Post-award subcommittees to make the recommendations for 2.2 additions
     to be agreed upon by the TC; this is done by way of a JIRA ticket
 - Andy managing requirements for transportation documents
- Andy and Audun will have additions to submit after the first public review
     that are related to the latest incarnation of e-Freight and iCargo,
     named e-Impact:
 - Kees managing requirements for post-award documents
 - Ole managing requirements for pre-award documents
 - Ken proposed that an initial starting point for UBL 2.2 be created from
   the collection of UBL 2.1 constructs making a baseline from which we build
   the final 2.2
   - the initial master UBL 2.2 spreadsheet is found here:
   - the latest working draft release of UBL 2.2 using only the 2.1 model:
     - note that the artefacts ZIP includes an archive snapshot of the
       Google spreadsheets (main and encryption extension) and other files
       that do not get included in the distribution; they are in the ZIP
       so that there is a formal OASIS record of these files in Kavi
     - all existing XML samples and test files validate as expected
 - do we include separate common and maindoc spreadsheet files in the UBL 2.2
   - ref:  https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/201606/msg00024.html
   - no, having one spreadsheet with all models should be enough
 - do we need a JSON story for UBL and do we do anything about it in UBL 2.2?
   - this was discussed and it was suggested that we create a JSON task group
     to explore these questions
- JSON and noSQL database solutions are good for working *with* UBL documents
   - XML is good for representing UBL documents for interchange
   - many vendors are coming out with solutions incorporating JSON, but they
     are all bespoke and incompatible with each other
   - even if we ended up with a methodology for applying UBL structures in a
     JSON environment, this may be helpful to the community
   - this will be called out as a separate agenda item in future meetings
 - Ken underscored the need for documentation ... we cannot leave the hub
   document changes to the end of the process; please make time to focus
   on the documentation of new documents and business objects and the changes
to documentation reflecting the changes we are making to existing constructs
 - please review all JIRA tickets for any ideas regarding missing bits
   - Ken has summarized all of the JIRA tickets regarding which ones we target
     for 2.2 first release


UBL-32 Open Unresolved - Removing the ABIE Reuse Table
 - proposed that we remove this report

UBL-28 Open Unresolved - Support for Verified Gross Mass
 - not as simple as adding a row because the information for gross mass
   is present, but new regulation requires documentation of certification
   of the gross mass
 - to incorporate this into UBL requires the addition of new business objects
   to capture whatever information is required by the regulation
 - Tim to ask Roberto for guidance

UBL-27 Open Unresolved - Code lists for UBL 2.2
 - Ken has simply copied UBL 2.1 code lists in UBL 2.2 and they need to be
replaced with bona fide versions (e.g. the days of the week have not changed)
 - Ken can transform lists into the required XML genericode, but Ken does
   not know where to get the required lists for UBL 2.2
 - Tim remarked that the metadata for the code lists is imprecise, attributed
to the publication source and not the custodian of the list; for example, the
   country code list is attributed to UN/ECE but is actually from ISO
- Tim will point Ken to the latest and greatest, and for each one we will work
   out the identification metadata

UBL-26 Open Unresolved - Handle Encryption
 - check during Atlantic call with the pre-award subcommittee

UBL-25 Open Unresolved - Pre-award SC put the changes forward to the TC
 - what is missing is the documentation of the extended process, which will
   eventually be needed anyway for the UBL 2.2. hub document
 - Pre-award is asked to supply the process documentation to the TC so that
   the context of use of the new document types and business objects can be
   understood to best analyze the appropriateness of the proposed structures

UBL-24 Open Unresolved - Comment submission re: document version history
 - if the governance is clear and the governance is active, then an
   established XML vocabulary can be placed in the UBL extension point
 - Ken to respond to the original commenter with the disposition, and the
   ticket can be closed

UBL-23 Open Unresolved - Comment submission re: freight credit note
 - creating a freight credit note would produce a structure identical to
   the freight invoice
 - experience shows us there is a cost to keeping the documents synchronized
   between a credit note and an invoice, and that we probably should have
   used only one document in the first place
 - proposed that we avoid creating the same maintenance challenges and we
   recommend to users that they use the FreightInvoice with the invoice type
   indicating that it is a credit note

UBL-22 Open Unresolved - Comment submission from Norway re: tender receipt
 - check during Atlantic call with the pre-award subcommittee
 - is this the discussion about using ApplicationResponse?  It is thought that
   that document type is likely flexible enough to support this requirement

UBL-21 Open Unresolved - Pre-award documents will need to engage the language code list in the second-pass validation
 - check during Atlantic call with the pre-award subcommittee
 - in ticket UBL-25 there are no new qualified data types, and so there
   would not be any new language code list uses

UBL-19 Open Unresolved - Minor changes based on applying new NDR to UBL 2.1
 - first one with prohibited characters has been addressed
 - document the orphaned ABIE as a known fault in the UBL library that
   won't be removed
 - the expected cardinality is backwards compatible with the incorrect
   cardinality, so the change is acceptable to make

UBL-18 Open Unresolved - Allign CreditNote with Invoice document around withholding tax information
 - this is an example of the maintenance headache referenced in UBL-23
 - question to Roberto:  where is this information already in the invoice,
   and can we simply put this information into the credit note in the same
   way?  Alternatively, why is the credit note to be different than the

UBL-16 Open Unresolved - Allow for requested document distribution in Waybill and Bill of Lading document types
 - Tim to propose the required structure to the TSC to make the recommendation
   to the TC

UBL-13 Open Unresolved - open dialogue with World Customs Organization Data Model team to discuss alignment
 - proposed that we close this ticket as all attempts to date to find the
   correct party to help us have failed

UBL-7 Open Unresolved - Adding OrderChangeDocumentReference to OrderResponse/OrderResponseSimple documents
 - await Post-award to propose the new ASBIE

UBL-2 Open Unresolved - Documents for party information exchange
 - is this a PEPPOL requirement for something like a Yellow Pages or business
 - desire to enhance the service metadata locator that has more commercial
   information about businesses
 - example:  marketing determination of contact information
 - example:  a seller needs to fill out buyer information for an invoice, he
   can ask the buyer to send their UBL party business card document
   from which the details can be determined to put into the invoice
 - proposed that we follow through with this for the first public review to
   see how it is received
 - proposed that Post-award take this on and propose a structure

UBL-1 Open Unresolved - Documents for integrating supply chain
 - Tim to revive discussion with Kees

UBL-15 Resolved Cannot - Problem with "URI" in UBL 2.1 spreadsheet formula; schemas not affected
 - proposed to close the ticket

UBL-14 Resolved Cannot - Problem with "Text" in UBL 2.1 spreadsheet formula; schemas not affected
 - proposed to close the ticket

UBL-31 Resolved Fixed - Add new abbreviation and equivalence "Object Identifier" = "OID" == "ID"
 - no discussion needed

UBL-30 Resolved Fixed - Removing unused schema fragment - CoreComponentParameters
 - no discussion needed
 - appears to be a duplicate of UBL-17

UBL-29 Resolved Fixed - XAdES fragment inclusion and future possible incompatibilities
 - no discussion needed

UBL-20 Resolved Fixed - Updating the W3C Digital Signature support
 - no discussion needed

UBL-17 Resolved Fixed - Empty schema fragment in the distribution
 - no discussion needed

UBL-9 Resolved Fixed - Spelling mistake in element name for cbc:PartecipationPercent
 - no discussion needed

Naming and Design Rules

 - 15-day public reviews are underway for both the Business Document Naming
   and Design Rules Version 1.0 and the UBL Naming and Design Rules Version
     - https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/201606/msg00009.html
 - the review ends July 1, 2016

JIRA tickets
   https://issues.oasis-open.org/issues/?filter=12972 (note that the view can
   be changed using the box icon at top right; the list view provides the most
   summary information, without the detail view obscuring the screen space)

   - when creating tickets, remember to distinguish the following components
     by how they are described to be used as categories:

   - status and resolution values:
     - NEW - the issue has been created but not yet agreed to be in
             consideration or not for the development distribution
     - DEFERRED - the issue is not in consideration for the development
     - OPEN - the issue is in consideration for the development distribution
     - RESOLVED + Applied - the issue is implemented in test but not released
     - RESOLVED + Fixed - the issue is implemented in a released test version;
                          (record which one)
     - RESOLVED + Cannot Reproduce - considered as no action for distribution
     - APPLIED - the issue is included in a public review (record which one)
     - see also the discussion on the status workflows here:

   - members please note to discuss ticket issues as comments to the ticket so
     that we can audit the discussion when making decisions about the ticket,
     without having to find the discussion on the main mail list

UBL TC next steps

  - what promotional issues need to be addressed?
  - do we need a travelling road show along the lines of UBL International?
  - can anyone volunteer to create more short video segments to be shared?


 Next meetings:

  2016-06-29 Pacific 01:00UTC/21:00EDT, Atlantic 14:00UTC/16:00CEST/10:00EDT
  2016-07-06 Pacific 01:00UTC/21:00EDT, Atlantic 14:00UTC/16:00CEST/10:00EDT
  2016-07-13 No UBL teleconferences
  2016-07-20 Pacific 01:00UTC/21:00EDT, Atlantic 14:00UTC/16:00CEST/10:00EDT
  2016-07-27 No UBL teleconferences

 Will anyone be requesting a leave of absence in the near future?  For
 privacy reasons, this discussion will be kept off of the minutes.

 TC calendar:

 TC calendar iCal subscription link:


 - the UBL TC has been nominated for the second time in three years for the
   OASIS Open Standards Cup, this time for the Outstanding Approved Standard:


   - Ken will be attending the AGM in Boston on July 27, 2016 to represent the
     technical committee when the winner of the Cup is announced

Check our site for free XML, XSLT, XSL-FO and UBL developer resources |
Streaming hands-on XSLT/XPath 2 training @US$45: http://goo.gl/Dd9qBK |
Crane Softwrights Ltd. _ _ _ _ _ _ http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/o/ |
G Ken Holman _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com |
Google+ blog _ _ _ _ _ http://plus.google.com/+GKenHolman-Crane/posts |
Legal business disclaimers: _ _ http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/legal |

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