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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: Problems with DocBook 4.1.2 XML entities beingparsed bi OpenJade 1.3
You must include "xml.dcl" in your command line. jade -t tex -V tex-backend -d docbook.dsl xml.dcl mybook.xml -kevin shelton> shelton> shelton> [snip] shelton> > Hi! shelton> > shelton> > shelton> > While using OpenJade to convert my XML DocBook documents into another shelton> > format (such as Jadetex), I get the following error messages (just an shelton> > example since it occurs for every entity file used): shelton> > shelton> > shelton> > openjade:/usr/share/sgml/xml-iso-entities-8879.1986/iso-lat1.e shelton> > nt:26:18:E: "X00EA" is not a function name shelton> > openjade:/usr/share/sgml/xml-iso-entities-8879.1986/iso-lat1.e shelton> > nt:27:18:E: "X00CA" is not a function name shelton> > openjade:/usr/share/sgml/xml-iso-entities-8879.1986/iso-lat1.e shelton> > nt:28:19:E: "X00E8" is not a function name shelton> > openjade:/usr/share/sgml/xml-iso-entities-8879.1986/iso-lat1.e shelton> > nt:29:19:E: "X00C8" is not a function name shelton> > shelton> [snip] shelton> shelton> I am glad I am not the only one.
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