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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Problems with Website 2.0
All - I'm currently having a problem with Website 2.0 and Saxon generating a web site correctly. When I try to generate the web site, I receive an error message stating that "this stylesheet relies on the exists() extension function" and then the transformation fails. I get this with both my own documents and the included examples. Below are the steps I follow, the error message, and the software I'm using. Any suggestions to fix this are appreciated. Derek Dees djdees@mm.com Steps: 1: Generate autolayout.xml from layout.xml. a: Runs with no problems with Instant Saxon. b: Has entity problems &, <, etc. with full Saxon and Java. 2: Generate the site by transforming autolayout.xml with website.xsl. a: website.xsl is a driver file that imports chunk-tabular.xsl from the website xsl directory and modifies some attributes/parameters for appearance. b: Direct transformation with chunk-tabular fails with the same error message. Error Message: java com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet autolayout.xml \docbook\drivers\website.xsl Fail: this stylesheet relies on the exists() extension function Processing terminated by xsl:message at line 74 Run steps W/instant saxon: saxon layout.xml \docbook\website-2.0\xsl\autolayout.xsl > autolayout.xml saxon autolayout.xml \docbook\drivers\website.xsl W/full saxon: java com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet -o autolayout.xml layout.xml \docbook\website-2.0\xsl\autolayout.xsl java com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet autolayout.xml \docbook\drivers\website.xsl Software: Windows 2000 DocBook XSL 1.45 (docbook.sourceforge.net) Instant Saxon 6.5 (saxon.sourceforge.net) Saxon 6.5 (saxon.sourceforge.net) JRE 1.3.0-C (www.sun.com) Website 2.0 (docbook.sourceforge.net)
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