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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] Part of the docbook to be placed prior totitlepage

Well, I realized that conceptually it is better to generate navigation html
header on the fly - right before generatingthe 'book' XML. Then during XSL
processing the header is added to the generated HTML. This means the problem
is solved on my side.

Thanks anyway.


akommar wrote:
> It seems that my question was confusing. Below is a more detailed
> explanation.
> I am not using chunk generation. Instead I have a Java tool taking
> information from Java and XML code and generating (through Java Velocity
> template engine) XML (docbook) files. Each file is a separate 'book'.
> Then, by applying well-known XSL templates (single HTML, not chuncking), a
> set of HTML pages is produced. 
> Everything works good and I am thinking of implementing navigation between
> these documents. However, for each document its siblings are known during
> generation of the Docbook XML and this is why I want the information about
> sibling documents to be placed somewhere in the XML so that it could be
> then later taken by XSL templates during processing and put at the very
> top and very bottom of each of the generated documents. This way I think
> navigation could be provided.
> However, titlepage is the upper element while I want navigation line to be
> above the titlepage... I guess the possible hack would be to use an
> element like 'subtitle' and then tune it to appear at the top of the
> titlepage. However, this would be a hack...
> Hope I could explain the problem. Feel free to criticize this approach - I
> am more than happy to improve. ...And thanks in advance for the comments.
> Anton
> Mauritz Jeanson wrote:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: akommar 
>>> I'd like certain element (specified by an ID or whatever) of 
>>> the docbook
>>> file to be placed in the html output before the titlepage 
>>> content or at
>>> least prior to the title/subtitle/toc etc. The reason is that I am
>>> implementing the navigation between various documents by 
>>> myself at the stage
>>> of the docbook file generation but not during XSL processing. 
>>> This is the
>>> reason I don't want to use html header customization but 
>>> generating the
>>> navigation elements and having them placed directly in the 
>>> docbook. So I am
>>> interested in  taking some paragraph and having it placed 
>>> before at the very
>>> top of the output.
>> I'm sorry, but I don't understand. 
>> Please provide a concrete example of what you are trying to accomplish.
>> How
>> is "navigation between various documents" supposed to work? What do you
>> mean
>> by "generating the navigation elements and having them placed directly in
>> the docbook"?
>> /MJ
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View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Part-of-the-docbook-to-be-placed-prior-to-titlepage-tf4736427.html#a13646542
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