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docbook message

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Subject: Re: [docbook] Allow <info> as root element?

On 30/11/2022 10:39, Thomas Schraitle wrote:

On 30.11.22 01:47, David Cramer wrote:
I make most or all elements start elements in my DocBook variants
because why not?

That true, this would be possible. However, that wouldn't be DocBook anymore.

I'm not sure I understand this. If DocBook is expressed as a DTD, you can create a document with any element type as the root element type, because there is no way in a DTD to say what must or must not be the root element type except for the one implied by an element type that does not appear in any content model.

If I create document fragments as single paragraphs in multiple separate files, all declared as DOCTYPE para, they are still DocBook, just starting lower down than is conventional.

Or have I missed something?


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