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Subject: Re: [docbook] Unresolved entities

> https://github.com/omegat-org/omegat/tree/master/doc_src/en

Okay. I grabbed the repo and put DocBook 4.5 in the place it was
expected. A validating parse fails because of the xi:include elements,
but doesnât complain about any entities. A well-formed parse has no

If I use Saxon to process the document with the identity transform:

$ saxon -s:OmegaTUsersManual_xinclude\ full.xml \
        -xsl:/Volumes/Documents/xsl/identity.xsl -o:out.xml

I donât get any errors and I get a 1.1k out.xml file.

If I tell Saxon to use XInclude (via the Xerces parser, not my sinclude
extension function):

$ saxon -s:OmegaTUsersManual_xinclude\ full.xml \
        -xsl:/Volumes/Documents/xsl/identity.xsl -xi -o:outxi.xml

I get a 521k file, so it definitely followed the XIncludes. In neither
case do I get any kind of error. So I think the files are fine and the
problem is in your processor or your pipeline.

What parser, XSLT processor, etc. are you using?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Tovey-Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>

> Sometimes I get the feeling the whole world is against me, but deep
> down I know that's not true. Some smaller countries are
> neutral.--Robert Orben

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