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Subject: RE: [tag] Re: Starting an issues list?

Informally, it seems to me that if tag-comment contribution is an issue for
you, Contribution on a tag-dev might be too.  I think it would be for me.

On the other hand, I agree that you are talking about matters that would not
be appropriate for tag-comment, which is supposed to be for
comments/contributions on the specifications themselves.  

I do agree that a tag-dev or tag-users list is an useful thing to have,
whether it is an OASIS-hosted list or in some other venue that the TAG TC
page could link to.  Whatever the arrangement, your presence as a
participant would be invaluable.

 - Dennis

MY PERSONAL UNDERSTANDING AND PRACTICE [probably more than matters here]

If there were some IPR-disclosure impediment to making comments on
tag-comment, I would expect to be subject the same constraint (e.g., under
an employer confidentiality and invention ownership condition) on a tag-dev
list, whether or not OASIS has a click-through agreement on a list of theirs
that I contribute to.  

My personal experience is that such constraints involve local employment law
and particular conditions of employment.  As an independent consultant, I
operate under similar restraints in contractual arrangements with clients.
None of those arrangements impinge on my OASIS participation and
contributions.  I make certain of that.  And I honor the confidentiality and
property rights that are my contractual obligations independent of the
particular forums and discussions I participate in, whether public or

For open-source projects that I lead, I do not accept anonymous
contributions and I make sure that anyone offering to provide substantial
contributions has any necessary employer permissions to make such
contributions without encumbrance.  If there is any doubt, or the
contributor is reluctant to consult their employer on the matter, I request
that they not contribute. This is a simple, straightforward precaution.
(Although limiting contributions is no fool-proof protection against
infringement, it is a valuable first-order safeguard.)

-----Original Message-----
From: stephengreenubl@gmail.com [mailto:stephengreenubl@gmail.com] On Behalf
Of Stephen Green
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 01:42
Subject: Re: [tag] Re: Starting an issues list?

Something that has worked with other TCs is to have a
public list for users of the technology who aren't members
and TC/OASIS members alike to discuss the technology
and its use - ebxml-dev, ubl-dev, etc

How about a tag-dev or ta-dev list? Is this something we
could ask OASIS to set up for test assertions to help
adoption and also to help adoption of associated practices
for standards (e.g. conformance clauses, QA in general, etc)?

For me this would presumably solve my IPR problems as
I could contribute to explaining and answering questions
and discussing usages of TAG test assertions and markup
without worrying about IPR too much. Generally though, it
could help adoption and be an informal way to provide and
get support on a voluntary basis. It would also be a place
for general discussion (except that official comments and
contributions would still have to be channelled through the
comments list more formally to avoid IPR issues).

[ ... ]

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