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Subject: RE: [amqp-comment] amqp over http draft

If you've got a low level AMQP client and a message pops out, how many places to you need to check whether the message is a mapped HTTP request or reply and how much spec knowledge/assumption do you need to determine that? 

subject: PROPPATCH
message-id: { .... guid ... }
reply-to: $me

Here's what I think I need:

1. Minimal additional wire-overhead
2. Simple, singular indicator whether the message is meant to be handled by an HTTP request or HTTP response dispatcher or neither.

Since "http:version" is generally implied and "subject" is in the properties section and therefore compactly position encoded, I really prefer not to introduce the overhead of an extra, required application-property including its key, and instead just prefix the status code/method name with as little info as I can in the interest of clarity. 

9 characters "http:req:" might even be a bit verbose and we could probably have something more terse like "htq:"/"htr:".

I want "subject" to state "This is an HTTP PROPPATCH request" or "This is an HTTP 429 response" in trivially machine-readable form and as a singular statement. 

You prefer for the subject to just say "PROPPATCH" or "429" and then gather further surrounding evidence from the message to figure out that this is indeed meant to be an HTTP request or response. 

I fail to see how the latter is easier or involving fewer operations for someone writing a dispatcher or for someone looking at the message in a Wireshark dump or in a debugger.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gordon Sim <gsim@redhat.com> 
Sent: Dienstag, 28. Mai 2019 13:26
To: amqp-comment@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [amqp-comment] amqp over http draft

On 28/05/2019 12:17 pm, Gordon Sim wrote:
> On 28/05/2019 12:01 pm, Clemens Vasters wrote:
>> What else in the spec do you find so aesthetically offensive that you 
>> would give up interoperability for it, Gordon?
> The prefixing is the only aspect. (I believe we are agreed on not 
> converting the method to lower case).

And to be clear, the problem is that it is an issue visible by any direct amqp clients and services i.e. it can't be easily hidden.

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